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Earn 106$ /Month Online From Home

  H i friends how are you today i will show you  how i made 106 dollars last month with one brand  maybe now you are thinking 106 dollars per month. Number one i will show you step by step how i made this number what service i'm using  everything in detail number two i will show you my  plan to reach 500 using the same strategy i will  show you exactly what i'm going to do.  W ithout wasting more time let's start  so what's the idea behind this blog, it's simply  affiliate marketing now if you are following  me you know i have a lot of case studies for  tutorials and course about affiliate marketing but  just for new followers here affiliate marketing is  simply to pick a product any product from amazon  any service online and you promote this product or  service and when someone buys it through your link  you will earn a commission and i think it's one  of the simplest strategies to start working from...

$30 Per Hour | Websites to Earn Money by Solving Maths Problems

 all right so today we're going over websites you can use to earn money by solving math problems if you're someone that likes to do math and you want to start making some money doing it I'm gonna show you a website that's gonna pay you up to thirty dollars per hour just for solving math problems so let's go ahead and jump straight into this blog right now

So all you're gonna have to do to start making money by solving math problems is go over to Google and type this website and right here people per hour so people per hour calm it's gonna be the first link that pops up go ahead and click on that and so what people per hour is is a freelancing website so people can come on here and post whatever work they can do so if you're someone that likes to write articles or if you're someone that likes to create videos you can come on here create your own profile and people can hire you for to become a freelancer for them so to make their video for them or to write an article or write a paper for them or do mathematics for them start solving math problems for them so other would have to do is come to people per hour inside of the search bar right here type in mathematics after that all they have to do is click on find your expert and they're gonna see a whole bunch of different profiles of people that can help them out with their math problems so as you can see right here this one charges $30 per hour just to help them with mathematics this guy charges ten bucks per hour thirty dollars per hour they'll start seeing profiles of people that can actually help him with their mathematics skills so all they had to do is click on one of these profiles right here and they could search seen more information about the person's profile.

So for example obviously his name and more about what he does right here so he's been he has a quick response usually available 24 hours the math tutor all levels of university and you know step-by-step solutions to solve math problems so just get more information on the person their job exactly how things are gonna work and once they're ready to hire them and you know get the job all they have to do is click on buy now and if you go ahead and get started with this so what you want to do to start making money solving math problems is create your own people per our profile just like these people have right here and as you can see right here check this out there's not a ton of people doing this right now there's an overall maybe about 12 or 13 profiles so you can be the next one by creating your own profile and start offering your services on people per hour again you can charge anywhere between ten or thirty dollars per hour just to help them solve math problems so to sign up just go back to the home page right here go to the top right hand corner and click on become a freelancer right here where it says freelancer with a question mark after that click on I want to work as a freelancer and sign up using your email or your Facebook account that's fine right there and all you're gonna do is just go ahead and fill out your name fill out your email and after that you're gonna start the application process to create a people per hour profile and so as you're filling out your application you're gonna specify the exact work you want to do on people per hour so obviously helping people with math or math tutor and once you go ahead and submit that application one of their moderators is gonna review and approve your application once you're approved you can go ahead and create your profile and start taking any job that comes your way inside of your back office you can also submit jobs or you know request jobs that are inside of the back office guys.

so it's a easy way to start getting more jobs inside of people per hour now the trick to getting more jobs and you know getting more work on people per hour is really developing your profile so if we go back over here you're gonna see that this person right here obviously doesn't have a ton of development with their profile you know it has two little lines right here it doesn't even have many pictures so you really want to make sure you develop your profile you know adding a lot of details as much as you can of what you're gonna be doing on the job you know that way people get a better idea on what you can do what you can actually help them with and they're gonna want to hire you more you know it's more likely that they actually hire you someone that has a more professional profile as opposed to someone that kind of has a few little details here and there you know one single picture so you definitely want to make sure you add in as much info as you can to your profile so people can get a better idea on what you can help them with which will give you a better chance to getting hired now.

once you go ahead and get hired for a job what's gonna happen is the buyer or you know your client is gonna make the payment two people per hour people per hour is gonna hold onto the payment in their escrow once you complete the job and you help them out with their math or you know you complete the job overall people per hour is gonna go ahead and release the payment to your account now that's after the person that you know after your client has approved the job you know if you do good work and you know they like the job that you did they're gonna go ahead and approve the payment after they approve the payment again it goes into your people per hour account which later on you can go ahead and redeem using your paypal account using a pioneer account or using your own bank accounts the payment method is up to you you have to be different options PayPal pioneer or your own bank account so again it's really easy to do guys just come on people per hour and create your own profile so that's website number one excuse me I'm running out of breath a little bit that's website number one website 

Number two is called guys and it's basically the same thing it's another freelancing website where you can come on here create your own profile and then start you know accepting jobs to help people with math so all someone would have to do is come on up fibre comm type in mathematics and after that you know different profiles of people that can actually help them with their math will pop up so all you have to do is create your own profile sign up to fiver create your own profile and your profile will pop up right here just like all these other peoples and you can start accepting any job that comes your way again the key point here is to go ahead and develop your profile making sure that you know your profile stands out amongst other people that's what's really gonna make you you know help you start getting more jobs as a freelancer and it works the same way once somebody hires you for a job they're gonna submit the payment fiber holds onto the payment in their escrow once the job has been completed they release the payment through your account now with fiber comm you want to make sure you do ask for a review after you complete the work after you complete the job because obviously reviews really matter a lot you know when somebody new comes and checks out or so much pro and they have you know close to a five-star review it's a lot more likely that they hire them for a job now one thing I like about fiber is that kind of gives you a better a basis on building your profile right so if I click on become a solar right here so if you want to start you know create your own profile and start doing these type of jobs click on become a seller right here you can get some more information if you start scrolling down but go ahead and click on become a seller after that it's gonna take you through you know filling out your application exactly what you want to be putting on your profile or start getting more gigs and more jobs so click on continue you know the overall gives you a lot more information on building your fiber profile then you know exactly what you should start.

Putting on it then you know how to start standing out from other people's profile so continue that with that right there and then you can get started with the application process right here just fill out your name add a picture of yourself right here you know add in the description of who you are exactly what type of work that you doing just your languages click on continue and you can go ahead and get started with the application process to create your profile guys so that's an easy way to start making money doing math online solving math problems it's just becoming an online freelancer and you know anybody could hire you as a math tutor or anybody can help can hire you to help them solve their math problem algebra geometry calculus whatever you specify or whatever you're an expert in guys so again this website right here is called a fiber this one's called people per hour so just create your profile and sign up.
